Forgot your Password?
Follow the below steps to change your password and keep the new password secure.

1. Fill and verify your email address (that you used to register initially) below.
2. Password can be reset using two options:
    Request Reset Code
    1. Click 'Request Reset Code' and we will email you a temporary reset code.
    2. Then, use the reset code to change your password on our secure website.
    Answer Security Questions
    1. Click 'Answer Security Questions' to change your password immediately.
    2. You need to answer two questions which you have set in your profile.
Got reset code? Click here to reset password
Forgotten your email address? Contact us through QNRF Support and submit a ticket mentioning your full name, institute, and any other relevant details.

Revision Number: $WCREV$ | Revision Date: $WCDATE$ | Release Date: $WCNOW$